Spring 2020
Dear All,
Welcome to the New Year! … and another exciting semester.
I am delighted to report that our USLS Ambassadors Austin Vittetoe and Lupe Duran Sánchez will continue working with the program. They will be busy creating a US Latino/a/x Studies video, setting up our first Minors’ Pizza Party (February 26, stay tuned for more info on the web page), peer tutoring, and campus wide recruitment efforts.
We are co-sponsoring the first ever US Latino/a Studies Program Film Festival at the Ames Public Library, “The Other Side of Latinx.” We look forward to this being an annual collaboration. This year, the focus will be on Cuba. What is it like on the Island? What memories or connections might Cuban-Americans, Cuban-Latinos/as/x have with this space of origin? Please see the APL and USLS web pages for details. And please reserve the dates, Saturday January 18, Sunday March 1, and Saturday April 18, ALL AT 2 PM in the APL auditorium.
The Program is hosting its second year of the USLS Rising Stars Pilot Program. We are delighted to welcome three new USLS 499 students for this unique and important internship with Outreach and Extension.
A new second half of the semester Intro to Latino/a Studies Online course has been added to the schedule.
Finally, we will, once again, offer summer internship scholarships. Applications are due in April. Please be sure to visit the link below for details and application.
2020 promises to be a terrific year of discovery, study, and cross-cultural experiences. I am grateful to have such a wonderful group of students, faculty, and staff to count on as part of this journey of connecting, learning, and giving back to our communities.
Warmest regards,
Lucía M. Suárez