Fall 2019
Dear US Latino/a/x Studies and ISU Intersecting Communities,
WELCOME to the US Latino/a/x Studies Program for the 2019-20 academic year!
I hope that the summer has proven generative for all, and that you are ready for what promises to be a dynamic year ahead.
USLS is proud to celebrate its presence on the ISU campus for TWENTY FIVE YEARS. Yes, ISU spearheaded the program long before other colleges and universities across the nation thought of it. It feels appropriate that this should be celebrated during Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month.
This fall, USLS will host a number of fabulous programming across campus: an all-day symposium featuring our students, faculty, staff, invited speakers, and great food, a documentary film festival co-sponsored by Parks Library, a guest speaker co-sponsored by the
Lecture Committee, and an art exhibit co-sponsored by the Multi-cultural Center at the Memorial Union.
The symposium has been made possible by generous cross-campus donations that include a grant from The Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities and over 20 ISU programs and departments. A really wonderful start for a program that focuses on COMMITMENT,
CONNECTION, and INCLUSION. I feel lucky and grateful to be a part of this community of intersecting intellectual and humanistic work.
This summer USLS placed scholarship interns at the Office of Latino Affairs at the Iowa Department of Human Rights; and saw the successful completion of the USLS Rising Stars Pilot Program in Sioux City. Please be sure to visit our internship link to see the amazing students
that completed this work (pictures, personal stories, and more).
Finally, our list of classes continues to grow with new cross-listings (see the Spanish for Heritage Speakers class) and new affiliate faculty (see our faculty list).
I am delighted to report that after three years at this job, I only feel more hopeful and energized about all that the USLS Program can do for its students and intersecting communities. This is possible only because there is so much curiosity, entrepreneurial energy, and commitment from students, faculty, and staff.
I look forward to seeing many of you in classes, events, and meetings. Be sure to register for the Symposium and celebrate USLS 25 Year Anniversary https://language.iastate.edu/usls25/
Warmest regards,
Lucía M. Suárez, Ph.D.