CATEGORIES: College of Design

“Helping Marshalltown recover from tornado through research, outreach”.
Jazmin Diaz’s work has been highlighted by ISU News Service. Read about this fascinating project here!
“In order to solve an issue, we must acknowledge that it exists. During the internship, I worked closely with the Latino community in Marshalltown, IA to better understand the struggles or problems this community confronted after an F3 tornado that stroke the city in July 2018. This internship helped me to better understand the needs of my community and in a way represent their voices. It also, placed me in a position where I have to take responsibility to act upon the issues that affect our extended communities. I am seeking my bachelor’s in Management, to better understand how to proactively spread our resources evenly and efficiently to create communities that thrive and succeed. But, in order to accomplish such a task, we also need a clear understanding of what is our greatest obstacles or challenges that we need to overcome. Hoping that my help during this experience was successfully used by the professors I worked for and my classmates I can say with great joy that this experience was amazing.”