Our Latinx students are making waves in the world!
For example, Adriana M. Martínez Figueroa, Iowa State University – Class of ’17, was most recently a contributor to the “BORICUA EN LA LUNA” Anthology, an independent publication edited by Elena M. Aponte. The proceeds are directed towards Puerto Rico recovery efforts.
Other publications have been on Bustle (wherein she wrote a personal essay about the 2019 summer protests in Puerto Rico), Tor.com (book review of the young adult horror novel Five Midnights by Ann Dávila Cardinal), as well as inQluded online magazine (poetry piece). She also interviewed Latinx creatives such as New York Times-bestselling author Daniel José Older and renowned Chicano poet José Olivarez for Latinx Heritage Month. One of her other works is in cataloging and publicizing books that are being published written and/or illustrated by Latinx on a quarterly basis, my latest being a list of books published between November 27th, 2019 and February 14th, 2020.
Parks library owns the anthology, you can find it here!