“Hola! I am Iris Martinez a student at Iowa State University currently taking part in a very important internship called Voces of a Pandemic. It is an oral history project with a focus on the Latinx community. My job is to record personal interviews and stories about how the pandemic affected the lives of Latinx families and individuals. I believe that we are living in a unique part of history right now; this pandemic is like something we have never seen or read about before. It is absolutely paramount to remember defining moments like this as a society, but we must also make sure that the individual stories are not forgotten. My goal is to not leave out the Latinx community in this history-making era. After listening to a variety of pandemic narratives I realize that they are all valuable whether they may be tragic or fortunate. Being a part of this community myself, it brings me joy to see my people feel valued and motivated when asked about their personal experiences. This internship has been a rewarding project that should be continued beyond the pandemic.”