Category: USLS Interns

Featured Summer Intern

Anna Stultz: Office of Latino Affairs: Iowa Department of Human Rights This internship taught me responsibility and how to become more confident with scheduling and planning meetings. I learned more about the Latino community and how I can be of aid to future generations of Latinos. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and to … Continue reading Featured Summer Intern


Neylise Larregui Cintrón

Meet Neylise Larregui Cintrón, a Sociology major with minors in U.S. Latino/a Studies and Linguistics, and a USLS intern! How has this internship changed you? Being a U.S. Latina Extension and Outreach intern gave me the opportunity to get a glimpse of how organizations that want to reach out to minorities in their community. I learned … Continue reading Neylise Larregui Cintrón


Jacqueline Cruz

“Hi! My name is Jackie and I’m majoring in Political Science while double minoring in US Latino/a Studies and Spanish. To have this internship is not only an amazing opportunity for me, but will set me with great skills that I will need for the future. It will help me get an insight of what … Continue reading Jacqueline Cruz


Iris Martinez

“Hola! I am Iris Martinez a student at Iowa State University currently taking part in a very important internship called Voces of a Pandemic. It is an oral history project with a focus on the Latinx community. My job is to record personal interviews and stories about how the pandemic affected the lives of Latinx … Continue reading Iris Martinez


Cassandra Bucklin

“My name is Cassandra Bucklin and my major is Spanish with a double minor in U.S. Latinx Studies and Biology. During the memorable summer of 2020, I got the opportunity to intern (virtually) for the Iowa Department of Human Rights under the exceptional guidance of Soñia Reyes-Snyder. Soñia and I would meet weekly via zoom … Continue reading Cassandra Bucklin