Category: Events

Latina/o/x Life Stories: End of Semester Celebration

USLS/SPAN/ENGL 377: Latino/a/x Stories, Memoirs and Oral Histories celebrated a semester of exciting collaborations with Marshalltown High School Mujeres, Al Exito, and ISU students. We featured the oral histories gathered, which will be archived at the Parks Library, memoir readings by all students (high school and college), and memoir marketing posters. We congratulated Vania Ibarra, … Continue reading Latina/o/x Life Stories: End of Semester Celebration

Diálogo 24.2

Special journal issue, which features Iowa State’s USLS, guest editor Lucía M. Suárez, is now available! Diálogo 24.2 has officially launched on Project Muse.    


Voces Oral History Project!

  US Latino/a Studies at ISU is proud to announce a new collaborative partnership with the Parks Library and the Voces Oral History Project at the University of Texas at Austin. Student, staff, and faculty interviews are welcomed. Please see link for more information: