Category: Featured Courses

CATEGORIES: Featured Courses

Featured: SPAN/USLS 305

    Spanish/USLS 305 Spanish for Heritage Speakers, offered for the first time in the Fall 2019, is a new class designed for native or heritage Spanish speakers with oral proficiency in Spanish but with little or no formal academic training in the language. Specifically, this class is designed for students who grew up speaking … Continue reading Featured: SPAN/USLS 305

CATEGORIES: Featured Courses

Featured Course: USLS 325

This Spring, the Iowa State University USLS program launched a new course: USLS 325: Iowa Latinos/as and the Immigration Experience. This course was taught by Dr. Megan Myers, who describes the course as follows: The USLS 325 course, “Iowa Latino/as and the Immigration Experience,” builds a significant and sustained connection to Latino/a culture through participation in a … Continue reading Featured Course: USLS 325